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Participate in the REFCOLD Global Poster Competition

ISHRAE is pleased to launch the GLOBAL POSTER COMPETITION for STUDENTS – UG and PG.

The Refrigeration & Cold Chain Industry plays a pivotal role in maintaining the quality and safety of food and Pharmaceuticals, reducing food waste, supporting global trade, and preserving public health. 

There are many Technological advancements in this sector, and we invite the students’ community – the tomorrow of our globe, to be part of this competition by designing & submitting a poster featuring innovative ideas in refrigeration & cold chain viz. Alternate refrigeration Systems, IoT & Automation in Cooling Systems, Cloud-based Cold Chain Management, PCM, Modern Insulations, Cold Chain Packing & Logistics and Decarbonization in Cold Chain Sector etc.

Please see all the details mentioned below and join this wonderful journey. 

REFCOLD India Global Poster Competition