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Showcasing Cold-Chain Technology and Refrigeration Industry Trends

Why Exhibit

REFCOLD INDIA Is The Largest Exhibition In South Asia On Cold-Chain, Industrial Refrigeration & Reefer Transportation

REFCOLD INDIA Exhibition is an Industry trade show where the whole cold-chain industry comes under a single roof to display innovations, market trends and cost-effective range of products, solutions, technologies and value added services encompassing cold storage, refrigeration, ripening chambers, reefer transport, tracking & IoT, packaging, cold storage infrastructure, cold logistics and
cold-chain supply segments.

Improving Agriculture,Improving
The World

Amongst the serious issues that the world faces today, are the problems of sustainability, A parity and depletion of the basic resources. This includes the growing concerns of food spoilage as a worldwide matter. Characteriscally, the aspect of nourishment goes through the cycles of challenges before it arrives at the end-consumer.

A report by the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization expresses that each third malnourished youngster is an Indian. The country is confronted with huge measure of food wastage that happens with gaps in the logistics supply chain and the lack of infrastructure for cold storages, which, whenever tended to, can significantly help cut down the wastage of food items and supplies.

Most industry verticals employ elements of cold-chain element, whether it is food, pharmaceuticals, horticulture, or even aviation, with each having respective unique requirements. REFCOLD India is a platform and a front-runner industry event that drives integrity, innovations and end-to-end solutions in supply-chain.

REFCOLD India is the principal destination for innovation, education and B2B networking for the entire refrigeration and cold-chain industry. Over 9,000 decision-makers and innovators from retail, food service, processing, production, distribution, logistics, and transportation representing frozen, refrigerated, ambient and fresh operations participate in this congregation.

Over the course of three days 18th to 20th September, exhibition & seminars combine to deliver the most valuable and comprehensive business to business networking event serving the perishables industry.

Companies that participate in this monumental event gain a high level of brand recognition and targeted business development opportunities amongst key buying audiences that produce, handle, store, transport or are involved in the distribution of perishable products. Brands get exposures in an arena where customers are looking to optimize their supply chain and improve facility operations.

Food Processing Sector In India
